FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Thank you for choosing EVB Biz Banking services for your company. Begin by completing the secure enrollment process. You will receive notification by email when eBanking services have been approved and activated by the bank.

Enter the information shown below and click 'Continue.' This information will be securely transmitted to Elkhorn Valley Bank & Trust and used to enroll you in internet banking. Please contact your Elkhorn Valley Bank & Trust at (402) 347-1254 if you would be more comfortable providing information about your company to a representative from the bank.

Login Credentials

Create the user ID and password you will use to log in.

User ID:

Enter password:
• Must be 8 to 12 characters long
• Must include at least three of the following: lower case letter, upper case letter, number, special character
• Cannot include spaces.
• Cannot include a character that repeats more than 3 times.
• Is case sensitive
• May include special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ) ( _ + = | / ? ; : . } { - [ ]

Confirm password:

Primary e-mail address:

Telephone number:
Area/city code and local number:
Extension (optional):

Company Information

Company name:

First name:

Last name:

Title (optional):

Telephone number:

Fax (optional):

Email address:

Address line 1:
  (No P.O. Boxes)

Address line 2 (optional):



Zip code:


Bank branch (optional):

Bank reference ID (optional):

Tax ID number (optional):

Mobile Phone #:

Bank Officer Name:

Account Information

Select the 9-digit ABA or Transit Routing Code (TRC) and enter account information for each account you will be using. To add another account, click "Add another account."

  ABA/TRCAccount NumberDescriptionAccount Type
Add another account

Additional Banking Services

To assist us in meeting your banking needs, please select the banking services you are considering for your business. These services will not be included in your initial enrollment.

Select all  •  Deselect all
ACHCollect money from your customers and pay employees, vendors, state taxes and federal taxes electronically.
Bill PaymentSave time and stamps by paying your bills electronically
Credit CardView credit card activity and make credit card payments.
E-StatementsView your account statements online.
Positive PayProcess Check Issue Files, NSF and other exceptions to your account.
QuickBooks DownloadDownload account information to QuickBooks.
Tax paymentsPay state and federal taxes electronically
WireInitiate wire transfers.

Exit enrollment process. If you choose to exit the enrollment process, you will lose the information you entered and will need to start the process again. If you need assistance, call: 1-402-347-1254